Milica Dimitrova

Her childhood dream is to be an artist transformed through architecture in high school to graphic design at the university. Of course, what these all have in common is the creative approach, the sense of elegance and precision in every detail from the origin of the idea to its realisation. Drawing has not ceased to occupy a major part of the professional expression and worldview of Milica, who has been a freelance graphic designer since her student years.

miliart was born in the same period with her Astrology studies in 2014, embracing both the passion for creating space star products and the love of knowledge! Each clock under the milliart brand was created personally with knowledge of the astrological principles of Milica and became a technological jewel by her partner in life and in the studio Dimitar!

Apart from the space clocks, her astrological wisdom found its application in 2019 in the creation of the only currently Astrological Calendars and Planners under the brand of Aquaries Astro.

Milica Dimitrova, Glass Artist

Dimitar Hristov

To have a creative studio and the opportunity to work as an artist with his beloved one is a dream come true!

Co-founder, co-owner and the technologically minded man behind milliart. He has always believed in the power and benefits of creating something new and unique from waste. His dream was to live a less corporate and more creative life, which would also help him turn his skills and interests into a way of life and he does it with milliart. And if it is true that the one who has discovered his vocation actually gets satisfaction, not work, then Mitaka, as his friends call him, has not worked a single day!

His specialty is the knowledge of the materials and the chemistry behind the process, which is the key to a perfect product. After endless experiments and months of hard work with Milica, they created a brand on the market with the glowing stellar clocks of milliart. He is still expanding his boundaries by experimenting with different equipment and techniques.

Dimitar Hristov Milliart artist